Director Kate Mason at the IJA in 1997.

Kate Mason

I found my way into the juggling world through my father. He is a roboticist, so when I first learned about juggling, I only knew the practice through a scientific lens. But when my dad brought me along to the IJA in Pittsburgh in 1997, I found there was much more to pique my particular interests. I loved taking contact juggling, balloon modeling, and unicycle workshops during the day. At night I adored going to the theater, sitting on velvet seats, watching the lights dim, and waiting to see who would come out on stage. Most of all, I loved people-watching. This first festival experience gave me a window into how many people with different interests can come together around one practice. The special nature of the IJA places the audience and performers, amateurs and pros, on the same floor. This collapsing of the hierarchy between performer and audience, I believe, is how I found myself spending most of my time contemplating the identities of these entertainers.

Kate & Lindsey on set at IJA, summer 2024.

Lindsey Phillips

This film resonates with me on multiple levels. As a woman in her late thirties and involved in a creative industry, I similarly feel the push and pull of Sonal’s character about motherhood. I have worked diligently to reach my current position, how would a baby fit into this equation? How will it disrupt the career I’ve worked towards and what I am hoping to accomplish? Similar to Lucy, who takes on corporate gigs while trying to be more authentic in her performances, I often find myself working on projects that are, uninspiring to say the least, to balance working on passion projects, like this one! And like Cyril, I need to remind myself that taking risks in life and my career helps me grow towards my goals and become the person I want to be.

Beyond the fictional characters, the juggling community has profoundly impacted me. I had no idea how much juggling could teach me! Learning from this community and its diverse members has been an honor. They have taught me to seek out and value playfulness in my life, and that juggling has so many metaphors for life. It is also encouraging to witness the festival's growth as it works towards becoming a more inclusive space for everyone, an issue faced by many organizations nationwide. We hope this film resonates with people and serves as a reminder that in order to grow you first need to fail.